Kate & Jameson Hamilton
JoAnne Robinson ©2020 JoJo Robinson 1 She's poolside, at the resort she will inhabit for the next 30 days. Half nude, bathing in the 90 degree Caribbean Sunshine. Her play list of county heart ache blasts through her ear buds, when suddenly the aroma of bacon makes her turn the music off and dress herself with her silky short white robe. Shoeless, and almost naked underneath her robe; she comes upon a man in her kitchen, the 70's band, The Eagles plays on a wireless speaker that is set on the counter... "Excuse ME! What are you doing?" She says, annoyed of his presence in her space. The man's ridiculous surfer print Hawaiian shirt is unbuttoned, reveals his tank underneath, messy streaked black and grey hair. He turns from the stove, seeing before him a naturally stunning, woman in a rather small silk robe, with a disapproving wrinkle between her forehead. He lowers the music, a spatula is in the other hand, the joyful man answers "Cooking Brunch, would you like some?" he offers.
"Do you work here?" She assumed he must to be in her rented kitchen.
"No, I'm on vacation." He tells her.
"So am I, I have rented this private villia for the Month. Why are you in my kitchen?" She asks while watching him enjoy his place behind the counter.
He scraps eggs out of the frying pan, places bacon and toast on a platter, the smell was inviting, the amount of food look to be enough to feed at least four people.
Tossing a strip of bacon in his mouth as he explains "The main villa has the common areas" he points with that spatula. "The pool, the kitchen the movie room"...
Defiant, she says "I don't think so. I rented this 5 bedroom private Caribbean resort...
Picking up the dishes, he interrupts her sentence, "You didn't read the fine print, you should look at the website again." He walks past her, asks her to gab the plates he took out, and he heads to the table outside at the pool. She follows him, "Well, I will do just that." she says following him out" They come to the table, both, standing, he says "Let's eat" "I don't even know your name." she says.
He was polite, He says "Where are my manners." he puts his hand out, introduces himself "Jameson Hamilton" She smiles, shaking his hand, "she introduces herself. "Kate." She offered no more than her family nick name and He did not pry for Kate's full name; he accepted what she offered. They sit. Jameson Hamilton, questions "A month, I take it Mr. Kate will be joining you." Kate dishing food on her plate, humble explains. "Oh, No, there's No Mr. Kate." She makes a disapproving humm, and says "That fairy tale ended. He notices her pause, "Bad." Kate couldn't stop, says. "Very, very bad" and ends with a pronounced, "VERY! Bad."she twitches as she says this.
"Wow, three very and three bad" comments, Jameson.
Jameson, inquisitive asks her, "Tell me about it, how bad was it?
His mind was curious, of why this beautiful, stranger would be on an island all alone, he wanted to know more... Her eyes shimmer with green, against the backdrop of the pool behind them, she comments, "you don't really want to hear, how my happily ever after ended." brushing him off of the subject.
Quickly, Jameson says. "I'm not going anywhere." Her lips puff out, she wasn't going to get him uninterested. Kate lost her appetite, her elbows now on the table, she scrunched her petite nose, saying "I'll give you the short version." Keeping her eyes on him, she tells, "27 years, I was dedicated, supportive loving and naïve." The last word, naïve; she said with much sarcasm. "On my 43rd birthday, 20 minutes, before the first guest arrives at my big backyard bash, my husband, John; comes in, stands at the doorway of our kitchen," she recalls how he looked, " he looked disheveled, like he had been wrestling with something or someone; his shirt wrinkled and untucked. Right there," Kate talks with her hands. "he blurts out, I want a divorce. I'm not in love with you anymore. I'm leaving you." Jameson didn't flinch. He was focused, on this charming animated woman he just met. She studies him as she finishes her story. "Unemotional, he goes up stairs packs a bag, gets through the front door, I call his name, John at the door, he stopped; but didn't even have the guts to turn around and look me in the eye. I told him, he had better be sure of this, if this is what he truly wanted, to never come back, no matter what was to come." A breeze came through, whisping her long chestnut hair behind her, blowing away the painful story she just told to her companion at the table. "Just like that" she snaps her fingers. "on my 43rd Birthday, on my big night, my love story, ended." Jameson Hamilton, takes a napkin to his mouth, now that he's finshed the food on his plate.. He wasn't sympathetic, " I hate to be the one , to tell you this, and on your holiday BUT, YOU'RE NOT THE FIRST AND YOU SURELY WON'T BE THE LAST, THAT THIS HAS HAPPENED TO." Kate thrown back by his insensitive remark says, "Well, Mr. Jameson Hamilton, where were you two years ago when I spent a year in therapy and endless amount of money, to figure out what you just summed up in a matter, of, what 2 seconds!"
He couldn't control his inner wisdom, calling it like he sees it. Jameson, says. " Other people have similar endings," Kate, half-heartedly with a laugh "Oh really, who? You? " "YES." But you can't judge me because you don't know me." Jameson Hamilton, has his own, storybook ending to tell there, on that island for two....
...in 2 seconds the always honest Jameson Hamilton, just gave Kate his 2 cent summary of her blindsided, ending of her perfect 27 yr marriage. He himself was intimate in regards to a marriage ending. " I hate to tell you, your not the first and definitely not the last person in the world who has had a bad ending" Still at the table ending their brunch, Kate's brunette hair waves in the island breeze, her green eyes sparkle under the shadow of the table's umbrella, Jameson's wild locks too are waving in the wind, and his blue eyes stay glued on the woman he just met about an hour ago, sitting across from him. Light-hearted, with a slight chuckle, Kate says. "Oh really, like who, you?" She uncomfortably shifts in her seat. " We'll, if I tell you, you can't judge me. And you have to hear the whole story." She had the time and found herself amused, wanting to know just how horrible could his marriage of ended. Adjusting her posture she sits up straight saying "Go on let's hear how your ending could be any worse than mine." Jameson, runs his hands through his streaked white and black hair, taking in a deep amount of sea air into his lungs; before he opens up and gets personal with her. "SSSSSH." He let's all the air out before he speaks. His arms fold on the table. "Alright, we" his hands wave between them. "my wife Audrey and I, drove Brooke, our daughter 3 hours up to college, got her settled in, turned around, drove 3 hours back home." He paused "in complete silence, neither one of us spoke a word." "He shakes his head, "that should of been my warning" he folds his arms across his obnoxious Hawaiian shirt, " the moment we walked into our home, we both stood at the door looking around, the silence was suddenly; Interrupted by a simultaneous blurt "I want a divorce." Kate, adds "It was a mutual break up. That's not so bad." Jameson, "Wait for it." he says with a finger point. Kate guessing, "Was there other people involved?" Jameson, reminds her don't judge. He shifts in his seat, " there was once someone else, It was on and off for a few years." Jameson notices, Kate's, wrinkle shows back up in-between her brow. He is critical about his mistake, "once she started hounding me to leave my wife. I told her she needed to find someone else." Once I broke that off, I tried, to make it up to my wife." But she wasn't interested, the more I showed up the more she pushed away." Kate thinks, "she must of known, you had a mistress." Jameson looks over Kate's sunken posture. He knew she was disappointed. Kate gets up; gathers their dishes, Jameson stands up towering over her at 5'9 helps return everything to the kitchen. He washes as Kate drys and puts things away in the cupboards. Jameson, continues his break up story, the worst was about to be revealed. Kate, was polite and listens not letting him know, she did just what he asked her not to do.
She judge him."Untrustworthy"
He's now leaning against the sink talking and watching her with the dish towel over her shoulder, handing her one dish at a time, as she's putting them away. "It only took a week, after signing our divorce papers; for Audrey and my best friend Kevin, who'd been my best friend, well, really my whole life, to be engaged; to be married." Shocking, Kate turns to him from putting the last dish in the cupboard. Her eyes were wide. "No Way?" She tosses the dish towel next to him. "your kidding me? Or, are you just trying to win this argument, that you have had a very very very bad bad bad ending to your happily ever after?.
Kate, figures, "Audrey, your wife; must of been having an affair, while you too had an affair."
Jameson, was guilty for cheating, but also felt like he did his best for repentance.
His position, with crossed arms over his chest giving a sign that he's not comfortable talking about his own personal pain.
Kate, smiles and asks, "why didn't you leave your wife for your mistress? You must of loved her, to be with her all those years?"
Jameson Hamilton, coy, He rubs the back of his neck, with his hand, a question he'd tossed around for a decade; did he ever love his mistress?
His answer rolls out quickly and honestly. "She wasn't enough." Kate stands next to him against the kitchen counter they are leaning on.
Kate didn't understand his answer. What did he mean, "she wasn't enough" she tells herself, it didn't really matter. This man was no one but a guest, on the island and she would never see him again after his two week stay.
She was quite, thanks him for the food, and says.. "I have some work to do," she dismissed herself.
Back in her room at the small desk, her laptop is set up, where she's been working, Kate googles, the resort and looks for the small print. Yup, sure does, in print says the main house shares common areas with some single villas. "Great, looks like it could be more than just brunch, with Mr. Jameson Hamilton." She turns around in her chair, as the breeze blows her sheer curtains, tapping her finger on her chair. Thinking about his washed up marriage.
She had spent the day hovering over her laptop, ideas were pouring out of her, when she came to a stopping point, the word count typed was 30241. Earlier when she retreated to her room; after brunch and conversations with Mr. Hamilton, Kate had dressed in pale pink shorts and a spaghetti strap, navy tank top. She comes to a stopping point with her work; stiff from sitting in the same position for 6 hours straight, she exits her blissful master suite through the open double doors, that are dressed with sheer curtains, that dance when the island's breeze comes through her room. Coming out of her bedroom she steps out on shaded white sand which blankets for miles until it washes away in an endless ocean. Kate, stretches and paused for a moment, looking at the beautiful landscape all around her; she's taking in the island's fragrance, but thinking on her work, Kate confidently, smiles about her project she is working on. In the distance she sees a boat coming to Shore, the captain of the boat is a man in a straw sun hat. This reminds her of her appointment, quickly Kate turns back into her room, grabs her sun hate and sun block. She had scheduled, an island boat tour for 5:00. Walking towards the boat, heading in the same direction, is him. Jameson Hamilton. They meet before they come to the water, surprised to see him, Kate asks 'What are you doing?' Jameson, still in his 10 dollar Hawaiian Shirt, His arms open wide, with sarcasm "What's it look like I'm doing, I'm Going on a boat tour." The tour guide is wearing what looks to be like a homemade worn down straw hat, probably an everyday must have; being a boat tour guide of the islands. The boat's captain is a native to the islands, a thin man who speaks broken english; puts a ladder over the side of the boat for them. The guide says "Good evening Mrs..." "KATE!" Immediately, she interrupts him before he could formally use her last name. Jameson, second to hoist himself on the boat. Kate, didn't see it before; now she notices, he has a faded yellow satchel, made from tweed material, slung over his shoulder. Jameson could see her looking at his bag, in her mind she was questioning how he looked. His voice is deep and loud, he says, "I'm not ridiculous, I come prepared." He pulls out a bottle of wine. Kate, covered up in sunglasses and her own sun hat. To protect herself from the sun. She Laughs at him; Largely she laughs at him, and it eases the tension on the boat. The tour Guide smiles watching the two. In fun she says "Let me guess, you have two wine glasses as well?" Smiling back at her, he spoke with point to his words "NO. I Don't!" "I only have one plastic cup." He says, pulling out one small cup, wrapped in plastic. Proving he had not planned to meet her or anyone else. Kate laughs at him again, she recognized the cup; those are the cups the resort provides for their guest. It's the same one that is in her bathroom. They sit down, as the boat moves through the waters. Jameson works on getting his wine bottle open. Kate shows Jameson, "I've come prepared too," holding up her 50 spf sun block, she offers him some, with a warning. "If your going to be drinking under the Caribbean sun, you might want to use protection." Witty she says this.
Just as she says that; the Cork "POPS!" She jumps and laughs at how it startles her. He accomplished it, he smiles. After taking the plastic cover off the cup; he pours, He offers the first cup "Ladies first." She smiles, takes his offering, hands him hers; the sun block. The tour, a bumpy boat ride; brings them closer to each other in their seats, as the ride is rough, and windy all they could do was sit close and hold on to one another. They the one cup between them laugh,ing as they spill the wine they share on the ride. Comfortable together, they were both, OOOing at the sight of dolphins in the ocean. The speedy boat ride was invigorating. By the fourth cup down they share; Kate, reapplies her sun block ; His heart rate increases, watching her rub the coconut fragrance of lotion on her exposed skin; she rubs her arms up to her shoulders, this was like watching her bathe than She work she lather over her legs and on the tops of her feet; the man has visions of her legs wrapped around his body, making him flush all over. Kate, applying the grease to the tops of her feet, sees Jameson's feet; they are white as socks up to his ankles. She turns to Jameson, saying "Your turn." Acting all cool he tries, convincing her, "No, No I'm fine." Kate being a mother and a good woman who cares; knows that being this close to the sun, without the right amount of protection on your skin, could be, "dangerously poisonous." Sitting next to him and not accepting his stubbornness of "I am cool guy" she squeezes lotion on the palm of her hand tells him, "You will thank me later for this." Kate, in her navy blue tank top and shorts took her knees to the boards of the bottom of the boat, landing in between his legs. Throwing Jameson Hamilton a curve ball, his heart began to pound through his chest, he looks down at her, she's between his legs, on her knees, thinking "WHAT IS SHE GOING TO DOING WITH THAT? Jameson looks at the driver of the boat; whose vision is cast out before them to the sea. and looking back to Kate, thinking of obscene things that could happen to him in THAT position?
AS soon as her hand touches his foot he jumps and exhales the tension as she starts massaging the lotion on his feet and up his ankles, Surprising it felt relaxing, he asks, "Are a masseuse?" She lightly laughs, saying "No, I'm not" "If you don't keep your feet protected, you could end your vacation. I hear the skin on the tops of our feet is the most sensitive." she explains while rubbing the lotion in.
Returning to her previous position next to him, There was an un-explainable, look on the mans face. Her sudden moves could of made this man, in his early 50s, a dead man. She didn't read it very well. She says "What?" Speechless he's thinking to himself. "This woman is gonna kill me."
He tells her "Nothing" stupefied, he clears his throat. "You Good Now? My Feet Good Now?" he could not believe having her touch his feet like that would make him hurt all over.
To get his heart rate to slow down he takes a swig of wine right out of the top of the bottle. Kate sits close again to him this time she's wiping the excess lotion on her hands, on his shirt. Jameson goes, "Hey what are you doing?" Tries stopping her. Kate says "Oh come on now, I know it's just a $10 bargain shirt." Jameson corrects her saying, "No, No it was more than that, it was a $12.99, bargain shirt." The boat slows down, the guide shows them the islands and telling his paying customers the history of each island.
Kate and Jameson were enjoying the ride and history of the Bahama Islands. The captain of the boat turns the boat around to head back to their island. Far in the distance, there is a frightening view of stormy dark blue sky's. Kate sits in front of Jameson, he is behind her looking over her shoulder both of them concerned of those mean looking clouds. The guide warns them, "Something to watch for, out here on the islands, sometimes a storm comes fast out of nowhere. " He assures them both. "Those are going out to sea" With that confidence they were both able to breathe comfortably.
He got off the boat first, to help the already wobbly Ms. Kate, climb down the ladder to get off the boat; he notices how unstable she is, putting his arms up to help her. "You all right?" A wave bumps the boat, Kate's grip and footing slips from the first step of the ladder, she falls down from the top step off the boat; into Jameson; who's already standing in water. He catches her, they have a moment where time and space were absent, there was just a silent reading, deep between their eyes. Kate, sees something she never saw in her husband's eyes before. What is this, she asks herself, while still embraced in the man's chest. looking in her eyes and holding her close to him Jameson Hamilton has a soul shift. Jameson's, touch is gentle helping her stand up right, planting her feet in the ocean floor. Embarrassed, she says, " I guess I got my sea legs." That wasn't true, sharing a bottle of wine on an empty stomach had more to do with her looseness. She hadn't eaten since brunch. After being on a dry hot boat under the sun for 2 hours, the cool ocean waves splashing on her legs was refreshing. "Oh Goodness" she says, laughing, she would admit to herself, she needed a cool down after falling into his arms and looking deep into his eyes. Walking out of the Atlanta Ocean together heading towards the white sandy beach; He asks her, "Do you have plans for dinner?" Kate, unsure of what is happening, replies "Just something at the bar." Embarrassed of how she must look a mess she tucks her blown hair behind her ear. "I'm going to my room to clean up a bit and then I will be over there. Maybe I will see you there?" 8pm, a late dinner at the bar close to the ocean. Feeling a bit jittery, as She's walking over to the bar expecting to see him. She flicks her hands like she's trying to shake it off. A hint of regret she thinks 'Maybe he won't be there'
He is there 'Dam It!' in her head. He is one of the three people sitting at the bar. Outfitted in a different obnoxious Hawaiian shirt; this one is blue with green palm trees splashed all over it. His waved hair is wet, and slicked back he showered before dinner. She's approaching him, he's unfolding his reading glasses to view the menu. Kate, tries to tame down her nerves; telling herself, 'this is not a date' before getting to him at the bar. Jameson, gets out of his seat, "Good evening," he says, thinking; what was he going to say? They were not on a date. "you look," he didn't know what was appropriate to say. Under the roof of the bar lights she glows; her sun kissed skin and her infectious smile, under the soft lights of the bar. Making her irresistible to him. Her cotton blue dress, brightens her green eyes. His choice compliment, is corny "Perfect." " Thanks." she says, with a hint of 'ok that was weird.' they both take a seat at the bar and order food. The darker colors of this Hawaiian shirt complimented his complexion, the more she sees him the better looking he kept getting. He asks " So besides being divorced, for three years, and I know you are not a masseuse, what are you doing here alone for a month?" Kate, parched from the day's sun is drinking down as much water as she could, before she speaks. " I'm working." She dabs her wet lips with her hands. Curious about who she is Jameson asks, "What kind of work do you do?" Folding her hands under her chin, vague she tells him "I work on the computer," that was close to the truth. Kate did not think he needed to know that she was a New York Times Bestseller, Author; 18 consecutive weeks; her Thriller Murder Mystery had made her millions. And that she was staying in the Bahamas, working on her next novel. Nope he didn't need to know who she was. "I am very fortunate, that I can work from anywhere I want, I guess this is one good thing that came from my divorce, it forced me to break out of my comfortable life" she's trying her best to be brave. " I get to discover, who I am. This job allows me to travel, and I have embraced this change. Last month I worked while visiting New York City. I've gotten to see plays, and the things I've dreamed about seeing. I have met, all kinds of different people and some interesting people." She felt like she was talking to much, she folds the napkin of her silverware. " This time I wanted someplace warm and sunny, so I chose, The Bahamas." Jameson was impressed, with her independence. "You took life by the horns, sounds like you've had an an awakening, a second chance." She's thinking to herself "Here I am, on this island, meeting you." She likes watching him, listening to her, he seams involved, she trys to stay neutral with her feelings. Jameson, concerned about her being alone, for the coming Holiday, "But what about Thanksgiving? Will you be here, alone, no traditional Thanksgiving plans back home?" Kate mentioning her children "Oh, no, my daughters are coming in to spend that weekend with me." He's soaking in her story, he notices how she lights up of the mention of her girls. "You, have daughters?" Kate happy to talk about them. "Yes, identical twins," "Amazing" Jameson says. And let's her finish "Emma the veterinarian and Ava the teacher. They are 25" Kate explained she would be cooking Thanksgiving Dinner here on the island for them. And went on to tell him how she has other family coming down to see her. "And in three days my sister and my cousin are coming down to stay a few days with me. So with all the visitors and work, I will be busy" Kate, now curious, asks him "What about you, what about your Holidays after the divorce. Do you have plans?" He perks up, in his seat. "Well it's been an adjustment, Brooke, my daughter, asked me to do Thanksgiving with her at her mom's. AND you know my ex best friend and my ex wife are now married." Kate's eyes get big, "NO WAY." her glass of water was empty. She Motions for the young bartender; orders alcohol for the both of them. Kate had to ask, "tell me, are you doing this? Jameson's head falls down, he would have to explain. And he knew it wouldn't be easy. "Yes, it's for my daughter. I would do anything for her." The native bartender brings the alcohol drinks, Kate, tells him. "This ones on me, you were right, other people do have far worse divorce endings, than mine. You Win,." Their glass bottles clinked. After their toast to his marriage ending being the worlds worst. Kate sipping on the bottle, says "My girls know better to ask, that of me." Jameson, "Really, you wouldn't have dinner with your ex for your daughters?" Kate laughs, and the tone of her voice goes up two notches, "He wanted out, NO WAY, he walked away, why should I work, to cook him another meal, I generously served him for 27 years. He put an end to that." "OUCH!" Jameson, says "no mercy, no forgiveness?" Scolding her, "sounds like you need a little forgiveness, in your heart." Kate questioning, "Forgiveness?" The conversation was heading south. "You are the one who, has had a mistress while married. I did everything right." "Yeah," Jameson speaks, "The Golden Rule, forgive all others, and you too shall be forgiven." Kate, looking at him like he has two heads, "are you a preacher?" She was annoyed, he was unfaithful in his marriage and he wanted to preach to her about forgiveness. Her wrinkle had returned, above her brows, Kate now irritated, questions him. "Are you telling me I need to forgive the man who walked out on me?" Jameson, collected himself explaining "No, I am not a preacher, but Yes forgive him." He had his story to tell "I've been out of the church for years, but going through my divorce, I needed something, I found myself in those old church pews, where I once sat in between my parents as a child. This has helped me work through my own sin, and asking for my own forgiveness, and for me to forgive" his palm ejects 1 and 2 fingers as he reminds the beautiful Kate, sitting next to him on the bar stools "Not ONE, BUT TWO People who betrayed me." Bringing it up still makes him uncomfortable for him it has only been only been two years since the ending of his nuptials. "My Wife and My Best Friend" he goes on to explain how he's gotten through his divorce. " I found something greater, than me in church, I found; peace and grace; that has been so much better, than hate and unforgiveness." Kate, unable to get past how he can sit with people who betrayed him, her wrinkle didn't disappear "With this grace and forgiveness, you can sit at the dinner table with your ex wife who had her own affair, with your best friend, and then shortly married him after your divorce., You can break bread with them?" He herd how the situation sounded; like an episode from a day time soap opera, Jameson, was serious. "Yes, I can do that now." "But trust me, it took me a year." Kate couldn't believe it. Firmly, Jameson explains, "If you harbor, this unresolved unforgiveness, how are you going to be set free to move on and ever be in a healthy relationship again? Let's say you don't, than your chances of becoming a crazy cat lady are probable." He sips his beverage. There was a awkward pause between them. "Alright" Jameson comes at her hard. "How many dates have you been on since the divorce?" "None" Kate answers quickly. "Ha!" he brings the beverage to his lips and spills out these word before his sip goes down, "Three years and not one date. Crazy Cat lady in the making" he downs a swig of his drink Before she could answer A very pregnant waitress brings their food to them. "I've up set you." He recognized. Kate didn't answer right away, she digs at her food, that was hot and looks delicious the way she likes it, she wanted to enjoy the meal, but was having second thoughts of her company. In-between a bite she asks her dinner guest, " Tell me how can you sit there and have dinner with them? And not harbor any I'll will on them." He's cutting into his food, "Ah, that is a good question." He puts the food in his mouth before he answers that question. Kate, messing with her own dinner waits, for his answer. Picking up a napkin and wiping his mouth before he explains what changed his heart. "One day, I was so angry, I was in my car," he leans into her space at the bar, places his hand on Kate's forearm. This caught her off guard, she stops using her silverware, her eyes are focused to his blue, as he spoke "it felt like, someone was sitting in the passenger seat, it said to me "I too have been betrayed, but I forgave them all, just as I have forgiven you, for your infidelity." He got goosebumps, repeating those words. "I'm serious, when I tell you, it was like, someone was in the seat saying this to me. from that moment I understood, I have to forgive Adury and Kevin." Kate watches his eyes, they seam to be honest. Jameson explains " it was the most haunting moment of my entire life" It may sound bizarre, but it was his truth, from that moment on he, understood, he had to forgive them, and himself for that matter. He knew his wife wasn't the only one at fault in their marriage. It was his story and his truth.
Kate, quiet through the end of dinner, nodding at his small talk; he fills the void in the air; telling her of his plans to go deep sea fishing tomorrow and how he's never been.
He had given her a lot to think about with his straightforward remarks about her future.
Saying if she didn't start dating, she would be on her way to becoming a crazy cat lady, and how she needs to forgive John her ex husband in order to move forward.
Kate displeased, in that someone she just met, to be so crass about all she had been through in the past three years, and not take her side. who was Jameson Hamilton anyway? He flew down to the Bahamas, intrudes on her vacation, like an unwanted hurricane, had a lot of advice about her future. How dare he, he didn't know her well enough to make all these accusations. Her mood becomes, timid.
After dinner, Neither one of them wanted to turn away, they went barefoot, walking on the beach, a light Ocean wind; breezes from behind, follows them and the full face of the moon was eavesdropping on their conversation. The borders of the resort has gas lanterns, lighting a pathway back to the resort property which helps them know the resort boundaries.
The two strangers, who just met earlier today, found they had a lot more to talk about.
Their walking through the water, Kate downhearted, questions his earlier remarks. "What about dating at 50, doesn't that just suck, I mean we got married so we would never have to date again." She hadn't dated anyone in three years bc she hated it when she was younger, and she was sure she would not like it now, at 47.
Jameson, patient with her listening, he knew he upset her at dinner.
curious Kate asks "Tell me what is dating at our age like? Is it just one date with each of these women Or is it multiple dates? How does all that work, do they call you or you call them?"
He's staying close by her side as they walk, enjoying her company and her questions. He explains
"Some of them I would go on two or three dates, and some just the one. It depends on a few different factors."
"Like what?" Kate wants to understand.
"We'll number one is there any attraction, between us."
He paused; Kate was paying close attention to his words.
"Well really it's just that one." He says waiting for her to catch his sarcasm.
Playing she bumps him with her shoulder, your not serious. Are You? She questions.
He, laughs. "No, it's not. But it's a big part of it. If there is an attraction, then usually, there is a second or third date. If there is good vibes and common interests, then it could be more."
They've walked far, from the resort coming upon a large bonfire on the sand, a jubilant celebration, with dancing and music.
Kate and Jameson recognizing the people here are the employees of the resort.
Still in his uniform shirt, the young puggy face bartender, form their dinner, greets them, handing them drinks. His name badge still on, identifies him as Roger. Roger a native to the island tells the visitors, "this is after hours" the resort employees are locals. The celebration, Roger explains "this is the engagement of Laura and Lewis," he points them out on the other side of the bonfire, the newly engaged couple is young, they look to be in their 20s and in love as they stand their arms tangled around one another; surrounded by their friends and families. Laura's in a white dress with white flowers around her head and Lewis is in a white shirt and white shorts to honor the purity of their upcoming nuptials." The music is live, a collective assortment of instruments; wood drums and acoustic guitars, and mandolins.
The pregnant waitress from the bar, joins them. She turns into Roger's arm's. Roger puts his hand on her purging belly. She says "Hello with a full smile." Kate says "oh wow you two are together and expecting! " Roger introduces her "This is Kira my wife." Kate says "hi I'm Kate." Jameson says 'hello, Jameson." Kate See's how uncomfortable the young mother-to-be is, asks her '"when are you do?" Kira says "in 2 weeks if not sooner." Roger says stay awhile, enjoy the night. He lovingly tends to his very pregnant wife, who needs to sit down.
Jameson took to leaning on wood drift, he set back watching Kate as she sways to the rhythm of the music, suddenly the tempo of the music changes to slow, and everyone grabs a partner.
A true gentlemen, his long arm stretches to her, Jameson, puts out his hand, with slight grin without any words, he's motions to dance with her.
Kate walks away from his intimate offer, putting distance between her and the romantic setting at the bonfire.
Unexpectedly, he crashed and burned on that. It drove him crazy that she rejected him; sulking he goes after her; the moon full watches over them.
He catches up, "Kate." Wait, I'll walk you back."
She didn't stop walking, he made his way right back to her side.
Somber Kate says to him. "They are so young and happy, they looked like they were in love. Didn't they." She remembers how at one time she and John were that young engaged couple. How she thought she would grow old with John.
Walking away from the celebration of young love at the bonfire, Kate's hindsight, was telling her, at 23, it's foolish to think of forever.
cheerful, Jameson agrees "Yes, I think so."
She has a light "humm" to her lips, in agreement that the couple was in love.
Their walk ends at his single Villa.
Jameson, felt like he had burned the whole night. First upsetting her at dinner, and foolishly he asked her to dance with him.
Standing outside of his villa, she Asks, "you like your room?" "It's a place to shower and sleep" he says, wanting more time with her, he asks Kate "would you like a night cap? Jameson asks, hoping she would give him a few more minutes to redeem himself.
Kate, pulls her hair behind her ears, " I'm kinda cold."
It wasn't a no!
Surprised, He says "wait here! don't go anywhere!"
He tucks into his room, quickly retrieves a bottle of wine, two plastic cups and grabs the blanket from his bed.
Excited, that she didn't say no, out of breath he comes back out to her. His sky blue eyes glow in the night, his hair grungy, his entire ensemble makes him look like he was a local, from the island. Smooth he suggests Let's sit at the pool.
Eagerly, he moves quickly, scoots two lounge chairs side by side setting them upright.
The wine bottle is the same from their boat ride earlier today, a dark glass bottle, a yellow label, in blood red script the name 'The Vine' he pours two cups, Kate taking a seat, swaddled herself in his bedroom blanket to warm herself, she thanks him, they get comfortable in those lounge chairs, the stars in the sky visible, God's ocean was like music in the background staged as a romantic setting.
Kate had been quite thinking on how Jameson had professed her possible future, troublesome, she says to him. "You called me crazy cat lady."
It has been hours, and she was still mulling on that.
Jameson, before the wine could wet his mouth, replies " No, I said you have the probability to become one, if you don't get out there and date again." The wine went down rather fast after that.
She's looking to the sky. "It's so much work." Sounding defeated. " Besides, didn't we date to find a suitable mate to spend the rest of out life with." She takes her sip of wine. "Look how that turned out for the both of us." She mocks the point of dating.
Jameson laid back looking to the stars, "I agree, we've done that, but now, we can just date for the mingle."
Disappointed that she was at the age of 46, and her happily ever after, suddenly came to an end, when John's confession broke her heart. She wouldn't make it to her Golden 50th wedding anniversary, she wouldn't have that monumental picture in a frame.
For Kate, the sting was still there. She devoted her life, to Her husband and the life they built for 27 years. She could not imagine starting over at her age with someone new. Kate, disappointed says. "For now, I'm not ready." Jameson come back at her with, "No one's saying you have to remarry, I am saying you should be social."
A small sip of wine goes down, before she says "How social are you talking?"
Jameson pauses, thinks 'what answer is she looking for to that question' His words stumbled " Ummm well, you know, dinners dancing, outings." He shrugs.
Kate still sitting up in the lounge chair, pulls on the blanket, fixes it to cover her legs and toes. She says. "Well if it's like that, kind of like tonight. And that's it. I think I could do that if i meet someone who I like and find interesting, not irritating."
Jameson caught that. "You find me irritating?" He's has a small grin. "How?"
Kate starts moving, "You show up unannounced." getting out of the chair. Very tired for it s well past midnight Kate, hands him her plastic cup, they have finished the wine, she undresses the blanket from her body handing it to him too; she says "I'm quite tired and I think I, I, I've (she stumbls her words)had too much wine, I think I've better turn myself in"
Jameson stood up, at his height of 5'10, he is looking down to the green eyed brunette, Kate, they're standing close enough, that if they were on an official date, this would be the moment Jameson Hamilton would plant a kiss on her lips to seal the deal for a second date. But he knew Ms. Kate wasn't ready.
Cunning Jameson announced, while wrapping his bedroom blanket around his entire body, "I will see you tomorrow, after, I get back from my deep sea fishing." Jokingly he tells her "I just wanted to make that announcement tonight." playing with her words. " I don't want to irritate you by my unannounced presence."
She laughs at his playfulness, saying goodnight.
3 She spent the morning and afternoon hunched over her laptop for 8 hours. She came to a stopping point in her writings. Dressed in a cotton blue tank top and a khaki skirt, with bare feet steps out of her ground floor master suit, enjoys the warmth of the mid day sun on her skin. It feels good to Kate getting out of that hard back wooden chair at the small round table of her tropical suit, she stretches her back in a cat cow yoga stretch, Her chest expands taking in the pleasant sea breeze. The warmth of the white sand under her feet, reminds her to grab her sandals, before she ventures out through the resort. She strides away from her room, tropical greenery, and the electric blue ocean vibrates with the feeling of freedom. The atmosphere here, keeps her state of mind cheerful, even though she's working. In the kitchen, she grabs a water bottle and her choice of fruit, a red delicious Apple, from the ceramic bowl that arrives there every morning filled with assorted fresh fruits. Walking towards the beach, Kate's thoughts ramble to last night's companion, he did say she would see him today. Her curiosity took her to his villa door. His door number 24; is painted on wood in white. She knocks "Hello, Jameson?" Inside she hears a muffled voice "Come IN." Jameson calls to her. Slowly, she opens his door, "Jameson." The first thing in his room she sees is his bed, and laying on his stomach, is him, Jameson. He doesn't get up. Kate moves into his room, cautious about his position, she stands over him, she sees his skin. "Jameson, what happened?" He's laying on his stomach on the bed, his skin on fire, he explains, knowing she would be saying "I told you so" he says, " I went deep-sea fishing, I didn't reapply sunblock." He asks "how bad does it look?" Kate felt bad for the man, she kneels down to take a closer look, inspecting the back side of his body, she sees red splashed over his shoulders, down to the back of his legs, he is sunburn. She answers him "It definitely looks like it hurts. On the bright side it could always be worse." Concern with his current condition; Kate's pulls her hair back, after her assessment; her natural woman instincts take charge. She didn't scorn him with I told you so, she asks "How long have you been laying here like this?" Jameson, is embarrassed, he says "maybe an hour." Kate's takes charge of the room, makes a call. "Yes, I need extra towels, a bucket of ice, some water bottles with ibuprofen and Tylenol, a chicken plate for two. Delivered to Mr. Hamilton's room, number 24." Almost forgetting, she remembers to ask for. "Oh! and a straw! Please. Thank you." Kate goes into the bathroom, turns on the hot water at the the bathroom sink she places some hand towels under the hot water to soak. As the water soaks the towel, she's leaning on the doorframe looking at him laying helpless on the bed, he couldn't see her smile. Jameson embarrassed but also impressed, he says "You don't have to stay here, please don't make a fuss over me." In the bathroom she rings out the hot water as much as she could, going to his bedside she sits beside him and says, "This is going to be painful, but trust me it's going to help take the sting out of your skin." Jameson, on his stomach, trying to sound convincing, that he was going to be fine, he could handle it. " You don't have to do all this." Kate, warned him yesterday about reapplying sunblock under this tropical sun. She says, "if we don't get the sting out now this could get worse, trust me, this won't feel good. But it's gonna help." He couldn't move he couldn't see her all the way, he was at her mercy. "Ok, go ahead." The towel was hot, she lays the hot wet towel on one shoulder. Even though his skin is already warm. "WHAT THE HELL, ARE Fn CRAZY!?". He yells at Kate. She says, "I told you to reapply the sunblock, so you wouldn't get in trouble." There it was her 'I told you so' There was a knock on the door, she left the wet cloth on his shoulder as she answerers the door. It was Roger, the bartender, delivering her order, on a cart. Roger, looking suspicious, he leans a little to see behind Kate, asking "is everything alright here?" He must of heard Jameson holler when she put the wet cloth on his sunburn skin. With much discomposure Jameson waves, to Roger, from his bedpost, "Heeyy" Kate assertive with the nosy man, assures him taking the items from the tray "Yes, Mr. Hamilton will be just fine thank you, Roger." She rushed the man away to immediately attend to Mr. Hamilton. She brings over the water with the medication. Leaning to him, she demands, "Now take this." she hands him, the Ibuprofen and Tylenol." Putting a straw in his bottle, to help him take a sip while the only position he could be in right now was on his stomach. Jameson in much dilemma, before he takes water from the straw says what he realizes. "You are going to to fuss over me, aren't you." He smiles at Kate, who's eye level with him. So close to his blue eyes, she spies his age, by the wrinkles and sun freckles around his eyes. Kate gives a friendly smile. Jameson, this close to Kate, see's more than a wounded woman, through her green eyes, he could see, she was strong and made with more then he gave her credit for last night. He conceals exactly how grateful his is for having made a friend, to be interested enough to fuss over him. She takes his water, returns to the bathroom sink with that bucket of ice she ordered from room service, dumps out the ice in the bucket, and warms the reserve bath towels. Running hot water over them. She returns to him, with a bucket of steamed towels. Nervous she sits next to him on his bed, "Please don't hate me after this." regretting her positon, holding the bucket with warm towels. Jameson adjusts a pillow under his chest and prepares for what he knows is coming, telling her "I can't make you any promises." She took his answer. "Alright here we go," she places the warm towels on his sunburned body parts. Uncomfortable, Jameson grabs another pillow; squeezes when Kate places a warm wet towel, causing a painful discomfort to his ill skin. Kate asks, "what exactly do you do for a living Jameson?" He's, a larger man, who's been sprawled out on his bed for a few hours, there was no way in this position he could be sexy or charming to this woman. He had to go with it. Twitching when she touches his inflamed skin. He tells her. "I am a wine sales man." He points to the case on the floor by the table. The bottles, are burgundy red glass with a golden apple yellow label, a deep amethyst print spells out the signature brand . "The Vine" That's what they were drinking yesterday. "Oh," a bit curious. "What exactly do you do?" She was getting his mind off of what she's doing. The high does of medicine she gave him was making him groggy but he answers her, "I travel" he emphasizes on "A Lot." mentioning his territory, "I mostly do the Eastern sea borders; from Maine to Miami." Uncomfortable, he continues to explain, "Mostly, I go into restaurants, and see the buyers of the food and beverages, and give them a taste of the wine and get them to place orders and contracts for a brand of wine." Kate tending to his warm body. Impressed, that he is well experience in travel. Humble she says, "I've always wanted to travel like that." Jameson let's out a hint of resentment, "well, it's not for a young married family man." She suspects, "Maybe that had a lot to do with your wife finding comfort, in a close family friend?" Sour, Jameson shrugs his shoulders, "Yeah, I guess. " It wasn't open for discussion, he knew why his marriage ended. Quickly she changes the mood, "You've seen a lot of places. " He agrees. Kate asks "Where is your Favorite place, you've been, or you most memorable." Kate was done with the towel therapy. As Jameson thinks about it. She puts the bucket and towels on the table. Returns to his bedside with the water bottle, and one for her. He thought about it surprisingly it was not an oceanfront view it was far from that. "New York City," he says. she wasn't expecting that. "Rockefeller Center," he goes into detail. "That enormous Christmas Tree, all those lights, on Christmas Eve, there is something magically mesmerizing about it." Kate, surprised by his answer. " Really?" She admits " I've never seen the Rockefeller Christmas tree." Jameson jokes, "Maybe we can have our first date there." Kate laughs, "ok, ok sure." she went with it. He's been incapacitated for over two hours; Kate suggests "You need food, I've ordered us some." she brought over the plate of chicken; places it on the bedside table; scans around the room, figuring the floor was not the most relaxing place to sit, a chair would be better. Looking around, thinking what was the most comfortable chair to move, not the wooden chairs at the round table, the same kind that were in her room, but the small single sitting chair would be a comfortable choice. She slides the chair next to his bedside. Jameson says "You don't have to stay, I am sure you have plans or something better to do." Kate smiles, and says "Well" as she picks apart the chicken to give him, "My family comes in two days, and tonight I was planning on staying in anyway." she smiles. . They spent the night sharing food and stories, she was concerned with his sun burn, she didn't want his skin to turn into sun poison. She knew from experience the dangers of to much sun exposure to the skin could be. Kate shares a family story, of her first and only Disney World Trip that she remembers as The Disney Disaster. Her teenage daughters, decided they wanted to return home with Florida Spring Break sun tans, so that everyone would know they went somewhere cool for spring break. Kate recalls, how they spent the night in the emergency room with two very sick girls, who did not have any bragging rights when they got back to school, after that spring break. Convincing Jameson that she should stay by his bed side. Later and later the night grew in, and the less and less the words were coming from either one of them. Jameson had a second dose of medication. Kate, out of stories and questions, sleeps in that upright chair.